Saturday, February 13, 2021


by Mary Reiman

 2021, the year I choose to write about powerful words that rise up and lift my spirits. 

 Inspire is one of those words. Synonyms are to encourage, motivate,  energize. To celebrate the goodness and positivity of others. Close your eyes and think about that for a moment...the people who inspire you and how they enrich your life. Doesn't that calm your soul?

On this weekend of candy, flowers, and love poetry, I think about all who have inspired me...and my heart swells with joy and gratitude.

My magnanimous family inspires me every day in so many ways. I'm sure yours does also and sometimes we simply take that for granted. Going through mom's scrapbooks last year, we found some of the valentine cards family members sent her over the years. That was a gentle reminder to me why handwritten notes still matter. And it also brought back the memory of sitting at the kitchen table making valentines with construction paper, markers and ribbon. Oh how I yearned for stickers, but those were not to be found in my hometown, and purchasing online was not an option long ago! And even though I was never a great artist, my homemade cards were at least worthy of being placed in mom's scrapbook each year!

I moved to Lincoln in 1977 and as my career extended from Lincoln City Library to Randolph Elementary, Lincoln High, Zeman Elementary, Southeast High, and the LPS District Office, I had the good fortune of working with many dedicated, passionate, caring individuals who inspired me and luckily for me, became my friends. Many of you are now my Facebook friends. You are the ones who rescued me when I hit the low points, celebrated when I hit the high points, and inspired me every step of the way. 

As you celebrate this weekend, I hope you know how important you are, no matter how long it's been since I have seen you, talked to you, sent a text or written a note (remember...that's one of my new year's resolutions!). You sustained me, you taught me, you encouraged me and most importantly you inspired me...and you still do. I am a better person because of you. And you know when we see each other again, our conversation and our laughter will return immediately!

I received a card from my cousin this week. The verse was, "Today you're wished all the love this day can hold!" That is my wish for you.💖

Happy Valentine's Day!
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