Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

by Mary Reiman

Should I make New Year’s resolutions?  Well, how long would it be until I realize there is no way I will accomplish those resolutions?  

As I look back on last year’s goals, they were indeed lofty. Thinking I could ever have accomplished them makes me laugh.

A simple resolution this more! So off I go.  A much more joyful way to begin the new year!

Alas, perhaps I really am getting older and wiser. 

And, rather than trying to anguish over how to wish you all a Happy New Year in the midst of this complex world in which we live, please accept this simple message.

In and amongst the mayhem, 

may you find moments of great joy, much laughter, 

and profound hope throughout this year.


  1. I love that wish for the New Year! Thank you!!

  2. Profound hope. Yes, indeed! Thank you, Mary. Happy New Year!


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