My intention was to begin this year writing with a lighter tone, perhaps even trying to be funny now and then. That seems easier, lighter, less stressful.
If I never pick up a newspaper, listen to the news, check my various feeds/subscriptions arriving daily to the inbox, have a conversation or hear a conversation, I can live in my happy land. If in isolation, I can watch the dog videos and baby elephant reels my friends recommend.
In other words, I am attempting escapism: the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. There are moments in time when we all probably want to escape from reality. This was one of those weeks.
Unfortunately, it’s more difficult to not watch any news than I thought it would be. My family in California may be far enough away from the fires, maybe not. My family in Florida piloting in less than friendly skies during this tumultuous weather. However, woven in amongst the news I care about are other segments I can’t wrap my head around. Those that make my blood pressure rise. Those that make me worry about so many people in so many places. Of all the things technology can do, I wish there was an algorithm that would allow me to see the news stories I want to see and delete the others. Maybe there is such a thing I’ve simply not found yet.
For now, I am working on finding a balance. For a few moments each day, I simply look for an escape, learning something new that is not filled with angst. Locating new bits of trivia to be a better conversationalist, so I can talk about something other than the mayhem of the day. Here are a few:
WORD DAILY What I love most is that it also has the audio of the pronunciation, in case I ever really find a way to work these words into conversations. Think about how you might use these words this week.
Obstreperous: noisy and difficult to control
Picaresque: Relating to an episodic style of fiction dealing with the adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero
Dekko: A quick look or glance
Logy: Dull and heavy in motion or thought; sluggish
WORD SMARTS Haven’t you wondered where various phrases came from?
Was “Nervous Nellie” a Real Person?
Why Do We Call It “the Elephant in the Room”?
How Do You Properly Use an Ellipsis? (I really needed to learn this one....I love ellipses!)
Washington, D.C., is the country’s 9th capital (can you name all 9?)
The first cross-country road trip in a car took 63.5 days (what year was that?)
People used to clean their hands with coffee (why?)
I learn something new each day and the learning gives me a focus for my thoughts. Not looking back on how we arrived at this place and time, not looking forward to what might happen tomorrow, focusing on today.
And as I focus, I gather strength. To act, advocate, be resolute in fighting for goodness and kindness and mercy as described by Bishop Budde.
Yes, it is again time to be writing our senators regarding the many bills before our legislature this session.
Advocating for the right to continue to vote by mail. It has worked well in our state and has been appreciated by those of us who have been working or out of town on election day. The need for a change?
Questioning why a senator would bring forth a bill after it was rejected by the voters last year. LB 624 was repealed by 57% of Nebraska’s in the last election. Have they forgotten how we voted?
Asking why some senators are worried about the way our electoral system works. Why is winner-take-all so important? Doesn’t it seem fair to reflect the votes of all constituents?
For all of our concerns, let our views be known, let our voices be heard, let us be strong. May we all use our power and strength to do just that.
Yes, I am worried about our state, our country, our world. I don’t know how you are coping, but I have to find ways to balance my thinking. With no end to the mayhem in sight, my daily mantra will be:
Escapism AND Activism...I need both.
Thank you for sharing and reinforcing my belief, that I am not alone in my feelings and angst about this past week. Please know that you are not alone as well. Continue to brighten ours days!
ReplyDeleteThanks for worrying about us. Love u! So well said, all of it, and explaining it to kiddos... not easy. Favorite recent word daily: zhuzh :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for so calmly moving us to action, for helping us remember…
ReplyDelete/ kak-uh-stok-ruh-see /
noun, plural kak·is·toc·ra·cies.
government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.
I am doing this too. I read through about four or five fairly bipartisan news sources in the morning, then move on to more light stuff. The animals in my reels, the clips of Friends and Big Bang Theory, the beautiful photographs of people who travel the world. Things that make me happy after reading about the difficulties in our nation and around the world.
ReplyDeleteGreat piece, Mary!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mary. So well written.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mary.