Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Little Self-Therapy....Soothing My Soul by Getting Something Done


By Marilyn Moore

We’re moving into a year in which none of us knows just what may happen, and we’re a little tense. Seems like a good time for something to soothe our souls. Which got us to thinking ... what helps when we need a little self-therapy to ease the mayhem? Join us in these days leading up to 2025 – we’ll post daily Dec. 28-Jan. 1 – as we share some of our favorite ways to get through these troubled times. 

I seldom experience “down” moments. I do, however, experience frustrating, out-of-control, why-can’t-I-fix-this, edgy moments.  And in those moments, when I feel like the decision-makers in our state or country or world are making crazy decisions, that will only make things worse, or when my mind won’t stop racing over its out-of-control list of things to do, or when things seem to be more broken than fixed, or when it’s all just too much and I’m so tired of the frenzy, then I turn to what I have learned soothes my heart and mind and soul….getting something done.  

Sometimes I make a list, which shuts down the competing voices in my brain.  Sometimes I sit for five minutes of calm, letting the neediest “something” rise to top of mind.  Whichever way I begin, I do begin…to get something done.  Bringing a little order, a little peace, into my little corner of the world.  It’s amazing to me how much better I feel when I’ve sorted through that pile of paper that’s been waiting for such a moment, or when I organize a stack of books into piles to read, to give away, or put on a shelf.  Or finish, actually finish, the gift wrapped presents with bows and tags.  Or write that thank you note, or send the donation.  Or do the laundry…oh my gosh, washed, dried, and put away, all in one day!  Or weed the side flower garden, or put away the hoses, or prune back the sedum.  Something, anything, accomplished, reminds me to focus, to do, to pay attention, to celebrate the small wins, and to know there’s another day for the remaining tasks.

Like most everything that’s a good thing, “getting something done” can also be overdone.  If I’m still “getting something done” at 9:00 at night, it’s no longer therapeutic.  It doesn’t make me feel better, it makes me feel overworked, overwhelmed, and more than a little cranky.  At that point, what I most need is a cup of tea, a cookie, and a good book.  Another way to calm my soul….


  1. A bath for me … and quiet moments in the front room which is always put together and calming. A good piece of chocolate and the company of my pup.

  2. Never enough cookies and books!

  3. Today I matched all the plastic containers and lids and got rid of anything that didn't have a match. Amazing how satisfying that was.

  4. I warm up a blanket in the dryer……take it out, curl up in the blanket with a book and cup of coffee. (And of course, the cat comes to snuggle in the warm blanket.) That is the reward after I’ve checked off a few items on my list

  5. Changing bedding, doing the laundry, working out, and getting groceries all in one day -- I'm Wonder Woman. I usually spend the day after that giving "unproductive" a bad name.

  6. Thank you for journaling about the power found in our in little old To Do Lists. Love the reminder to have actions and relaxations on the list. To Dos on paper bring on another sweet list, the list of positive outcomes: accomplishment, happiness, pleasure, and motivation. Appreciate your thoughts about little lists that are good for us as individuals, families, friends, and the world around us.


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